The World Reformed Fellowship Book Series

The WRF and New Growth Press

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A Survey of Presbyterian Mission History in Africa
Published: November 2023
The New Reformed Book of Common Order (The RCRT Ecclesiology Project)
About the Editor:
T. B. McGowan, formerly director of the Rutherford Centre for Reformed Theology, is emeritus professor of theology in the University of the Highlands and Islands. He served as principal of Highland Theological College for fifteen years and has also served as minister in various parishes of the Church of Scotland. Professor McGowan is vice chairman of the World Reformed Fellowship and serves as chairman of its Theological Commission.
"I have been looking forward to the publication of The New Reformed Book of Common Order for many years. My copy of the first edition, purchased during my postgraduate days in Scotland, is thoroughly worn, and has helped me through many weddings, funerals, baptisms, communions, and more. Pastors from the whole worldwide Reformed family will benefit from this resource in the conduct of their public ministry."
--Ligon Duncan, Reformed Theological Seminary
Published: April 2023
the World Reformed Fellowship
Statement of Faith!
The Decalogue Project: Disciples from Six Continents Engage God’s Ten Commandments
The writings contained in this book, from many countries and continents, apply the Ten Commandments to contemporary issues with the authority of God’s Word and for His glory.
William S. Barker, Ph.D.
Professor of Church History Emeritus Westminster Theological Seminary
Published: June 2023
A Covenantal Vision for Global Mission
Bringing together contributors from Africa, Asia, North and South America, and Europe, A Covenantal Vision for Global Mission seeks to ground the growing interest in the missional character of Christian outreach in the classic biblical and historic Reformed theological understanding of God’s covenantal relationship—of creation, grace, redemption, and consummation—with mankind. In the words of editor Peter A. Lillback, president of Westminster Theological Seminary, this is “the best paradigm for developing Christ’s global mission.”
Pierre Berthoud; Guilherme Braun; P. J. (Flip) Buys; Ignatius Wilhelm (Naas) Ferreira; Davi Charles Gomes; R. Kent Hughes; Benyamin F. Intan; In Whan Kim; Peter A. Lillback; Rob Norris; Henk Stoker and Paul Wells
“A treasure trove of mature theological reflections on how Reformed covenantal theology intersects with various aspects of global missions. The renowned scholars who have written for this significant work should be commended for their insights and contribution to Reformed missiology for this generation and generations to come.”
—Lloyd Kim, Coordinator, Mission to the World, PCA
Direct Price: $29.99 $22.50
Format: Paperback, eBook
ISBN: 9781629957302