Report #1 from the Meeting of "The Fellowship of Presbyterians" in Orlando, Florida January 19, 2012
The link below will take you to an informal and unofficial report on some of the items from the January 19, 2012, meeting of "The Fellowship of Presbyterians" in Orlando, Florida.
Report #2 From the Meeting of "The Fellowship of Presbyterians" in Orlando, Florida January 20, 2012
At the meeting of the Fellowship of Presbyterians in Orlando (January 18 - 20, 2012), two initial documents were presented - one an initial summary of the theological commitments of the group and the other an initial summary of the polity commitments of the group.
"Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Pastor: How Two Cold War Foes Became Pastoral Friends" January 23, 2012
WRF member Dr. Mike Milton has submitted the fascinating narrative to which the link below will take you.
WRF Member John Armstrong to Visit the Philadelphia Area on January 31, 2012 January 21, 2012 Dr. John H. Armstrong, author and president of ACT 3 and a member of the World Reformed Fellowship, will be on the campus of Biblical Theological Seminary, Tuesday, January 31.
The link below will take you to the December, 2011, issue of the newsletter of "New Life" (Australia).
The Prayer Letter of a WRF member Who Attended the Islam Consultation December 22, 2011 The following material was contained in a prayer letter sent by a WRF member in mid-December of 2011. For security reasons, we have not posted this individual’s identity here on the WRF website.
Preaching Christ at Christmas to Secular Urbanites and Suburbanites by WRF Board Member Dr. Craig Higgins December 15, 2011
This report was provided by WRF Board member Dr. Craig Higgins.
This report on one part of the ministry of WRF member Trinity Presbyterian Church in Rye, New York, was provided by WRF Board member Dr. Craig Higgins.
WRF Board Member Dr. Jong Yun Lee announces the creation of two major and exciting organizations.
WRF Member Andrew McGowan Discusses Why Evangelicals Should NOT Leave the Church of Scotland at This Time December 27, 2011
The Board of Trustees and the Faculty at Redeemer Seminary in Dallas, Texas, have just approved the Mission Statement and Core Values which are listed at the link below.
Africa Evangelical Presbyterian Church Update November 13, 2011
This report was submitted by Daniel Mathuva, Moderator of the AEPC. He may be reached at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Crossroad Bible Institute Announces Opening of New Prison Ministry Sites in Guatemala and South Africa November 15, 2011
WRF member Dr. David Schuringa, President of Crossroad Bible Institute, announces the opening of two new prison ministry sites - one in Guatemala and one in South Africa. Dr. Schuringa may be contacted at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
I’ve recently obtained my Theology and missiology licentiate, from Assemblies of God University, regardless of my academic preparation; I am reformed and have a group of five people gathering at my house for biblical studies; we are working with the Westminster catechism and our wish is to plant a reformed church.
WRF Member Curt Lovelace Speaking Engagements in Europe and Africa November 8, 2011 Speaking Engagements in Europe and Africa
Share your church's (or denomination's or ministry's) work with the World on a new website named Sovereign Grace News!
Berean Evangelical School of Theology (Myanmar) Report - October, 2011 October 6, 2011
The Berean Evangelical School of Theology ministry report for October of 2011 is available at the link below.
New Life Australia - Australia's Christian Newspaper, October 2011 October 17, 2011
The October, 2011, issue of "New Life Australia - Australia's Christian Newspaper," is available through the link below.
WRF member David Wiedis is the Founder and Executive Director of ServingLeaders, a ministry whose work is described here -
WRF Member NET Foundation Describes Internet-Based Theological Education Available Globally October 7, 2011
WRF Member Sukrit Roy Reports on Ministry in Kolkata (Calcutta), India - October, 2011 October 2, 2011
Below is the link to the full ministry report (October, 2011) of WRF member Sukrit Roy who is serving the Lord in Kolkata (Calcutta), India.
Report from WRF Board Member Peterson Sozi in Uganda September 20, 2011
Updating my last report is a time of thanksgiving to God for his mercies.
WRF Member David Robertson Announces "Out of the Silent Church" Conference in Dundee, Scotland September 20, 2011
WRF Member Tom Thorstad Describes Pastor Training Program in Southeast Asia September 30, 2011