Teaching Children About Jesus - A Report from "New Life Australia" May 16, 2013
The May 15, 2013, issue of "New Life Australia," edited by WRF member Bob Thomas, features a lead article entitled "Build on the Rock: Teaching Kids About Jesus." It also features a report on the imperelled church in Iraq.
Church of Scotland Report on Gay Ordination April 20, 2013
The report of the Theological Commission of the Church of Scotland regarding same-sex relationships in the church has now been published.
Ever wonder how the arguments might have sounded when the Council of Jerusalem took up the issue of circumcision and whether those uncircumcised (namely Gentiles) could be part of the new church?
The article below was published in the British periodical, Christian Today, on April 16, 2013. The website of that periodical is here - http://www.christiantoday.com/
WRF Associate International Director Represents the WRF at Enthronement of Uganadan Archbishop January 1, 2013
Dr. P. J. (Flip) Buys is the Associate International Director of the WRF and he represented the WRF at the enthronement of the Most Rev. Stanley Ntagali as new Archbishop of the Anglican Church of Uganda.
Can There Be Christmas in Connecticut This Year? December 18, 2012
In the aftermath of the recent tragedy in Connecticut, a friend who had himself experienced great grief pointed me to Nicholas Wolterstorff’s book, LAMENT FOR A SON (Grand Rapids, Eerdmans, 1987).
WRF Member Naing Thang sent this letter which he asked that we share with all WRF members. Pastor Thang may be contacted at this e-mail address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
A Great Guide for Those Who See "The Hobbit" December 18, 2012
Rev. Fleming Rutledge is a friend of the World Reformed Fellowship and the author of a book that you will definitely want to read if you have seen or are planning to see "The Hobbit." Here is a description of the book:
WRF Member James Ward Releases New CD - "Big, Wonderful World" December 27, 2012
New CD from WRF member James Ward - "Big, Wonderful World."
The Reformed Presbyterian Church of Uganda Seeks Assistance in Ministry to Children November 26, 2012
The Sudanese Reformed Churches and the Reformed Churches of South Africa Form Ecumenical Relationship November 27, 2012
The Sudanese Reformed Churches and the Reformed Churches of South Africa are both denominational members of the World Reformed Fellowship. Through contacts made in the context of the WRF, these two denominations have entered into a formal ecumenical relationship.
A Wonderful Article in the Los Angeles Times About the Ministry of WRF Board Member Andres Garza November 7, 2012
Click on the link below to read an excellent article in the Los Angeles Times about WRF Board member Andres Garza.
WRF Member GettyMusic Announces the Availability of the Songbook and Trax for "Hymns for the Christian Life" November 1, 2012
The following item was submitted by WRF member GettyMusic.
WRF Member Red Futon Films Announces the Release of "Half Devil Half Child: Can You Be Both Christian and Muslim?" November 2, 2012
The item below was submitted by Mr. Jay Friesen, Principal of WRF member Red Futon Films, Inc. Mr. Friesen may be contacted at the e-mail address below.
WRF Member Sovereign Grace Singles Provides Connections Among Evangelical Reformed Single Individuals November 26, 2012
The goals of the World Reformed Fellowship is to serve its members in such a way . . . "that the strengths of some become the strengths of all in the service of Jesus Christ."
WRF Member Thomas Johnson, On Behalf of the World Evangelical Alliance, Announces a Call for Papers on "Applied Trinitarianism" November 6, 2012
Dr. Thomas Johnson, on behalf of the Theological Commission of the World Evangelical Alliance, has issued a call for papers on "Applied Trinitarianism." Details are available by clicking the link below. These papers will be published in the 2014 issue of "The Evangelical Review of Theology."
We just received this recommendation from long-term WRF supporter John Williams. For many years, John was the Chairman of the Foreign Missions Committee of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. John is a graduate of Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia and served on Westminster's Board of Trustees.
The WRF Writes to the Presbytery of Glasgow of the Church of Scotland Regarding St. George's Tron Church in Glasgow November 2, 2012
At the request of WRF member St. George's Tron Church in Glasgow, Scotland, the WRF wrote to the Presbytery of Glasgow of the Church of Scotland. That letter (along with the names of all of those WRF members who asked specifically that their names be attached to the letter) is below.
Important Report on Dialogue Between the World Evangelical Alliance and the World Council of Churches, Presented by WRF Board Member Dr. Jong Yun Lee October 30, 2012
New Life Australia Newsletter October 1, 2012 October 2, 2012
The October 1, 2012, issue of "New Life Australia" is now avaialble by clicking the link below.
Presbyterian Inland Mission Newsletter 2012/2013 October 24, 2012
The link below will take you to the 2012/13 Newsletter of the Presbyterian Inland Mission of Australia. This item was submitted by WRF member Stuart Bonnington who may be contacted at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Report on the 2012 General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of Victoria (Australia) October 24, 2012
The Presbyterian Church of Victoria (Australia) is a denominational member of the WRF. Below is a report on the 2012 General Assembly of that church. This report was submitted by WRF Board member, Dr. John Wilson, who may be contacted at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
WRF Member International Peacemaking Church of Christ, Announces a Youth Conference on Spiritual Warfare in Decdmber of 2012 October 25, 2012
The International Peacemaking Church of Christ in Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas, is hosting a youth conference on spiritual warfare in December of 2012.
WRF Member Mukhanyo Theological College Announces Three Staff/Faculty Openings October 27, 2012
WRF member Mukhanyo Theological College in South Africa has announced three faculty/staff openings at the College. The general announcement and the three specific position descriptions are available through the links below.
WRF Members Keith and Kristyn Getty Announce Their 2012 Christmas Tour October 25, 2012