News Items

NOTE: The content below expresses the views of the individual named as the author and does not necessarily reflect the position of the WRF as a whole.

Incredible Missions Opportunities in Indonesia

July 3, 2014 Ric Cannada: For a full description of the opportunities available in Indonesia, click on either the link below or on this link -

Major Reformed Conference in Bangkok in November of 2014

Major Reformed Conference in Bangkok in November of 2014 July 4, 2014 Sam Logan

Study Committee Report on Insider Movements Endorsed by the PCA

Study Committee Report on Insider Movements Endorsed by the PCA, by WRF Member Phil DeHart (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Volume of Articles on John Calvin's Theology of Missions Now Available for FREE DOWNOAD

At the end of 2002, known as the ‘Calvin-Year’ because this was the year in which Christians all over the world celebrated Calvin’s 500th birthday, the attached volume was published in order to emphasize Calvin’s role in establishing a Protestant mission theology which later led to a worldwide expansion of Protestant Christianity.

WRF Member Dr. Thomas Johnson Publishes a New Book on Christian Ethics

The World Evangelical Alliance, of which the World Reformed Fellowship is a member, has just announced the publication of a new book on Christian ethics by WRF member, Dr. Thomas Johnson. 

WRF Member Thomas Johnson Speaks at the Vatican on the Church's Relationship with Wealth and Poverty

 WRF member Dr. Thomas K. Johnson recently gave a speech at the Vatican, in the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, where he was representing the Theological Commission of the World Evangelical Alliance.

A Request for Volunteer Bible College Teachers in Uganda

A Request for Volunteer Bible College Teachers in Uganda June 14, 2014 David Kisaame: I am a member of WRF network and having a ministry in Uganda . We are Church planters in rural areas and we train Pastors who would not be able to go farther than their Churches and families .

Reformed Ministry Position Available in Oman

Reformed Ministry Position Available in Oman May 2, 2014 E. R. Geehan: WRF Board member Bob Geehan has made us aware of what looks like an excellent ministry opportunity in Oman.



"The Theology of Creation Care" by WRF Members Thomas Johnson and Thomas Schirrmacher

Discussions of environmental issues, more properly called "creation care," are often carried on outside the parameters of any specific theological commitments.  Indeed, it is sometimes the case that any mention of such issues is interpreted to be, at best, non-Christian and, at worst, anti-Christian.

Update on the Crisis in South Sudan Provided by a WRF Denominational Member in South Sudan

Update on the Crisis in South Sudan Provided by a WRF Denominational Member in South Sudan May 26, 2014 Sam Logan:  This update was provided by WRF member Patrick Wic - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

WRF Member Boz Tchividjian Explains Why Current Ministry Training Must Change

May 30, 2014 Boz Tchividjian: In the blog to which the link below will take you, WRF member Boz Tchividjian explains why seminary curricula must change if the children entrusted to the care of those leading ministries are to be safe from sexual abuse.  Dr. Tchividjian may be contacted at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

WRF Member Steve Park Recommends "China's Reforming Churches: Mission, Polity, and Ministry in the Next Christendom"

May 30, 2014 Sam Logan: The book described below is highly recommended.  This description of the book is posted here at the request of WRF member Dr. Sung-Il (Steve) Park who may be contacted at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..   Ordering information for the book is at the bottom of this article.

WRF Member Thomas Schirrmacher Elected President of the International Society for Human Rights

May 15, 2014 Sam Logan: The World Evangelical Alliance, of which the WRF is a member, announced today (May 15, 2014) that The International Society for Human Rights (ISHR) has elected Dr. Thomas Schirrmacher, WEA Ambassador for Human Rights and renowned German human rights activist, as its new president. 

Excellent Job Opportunities in Indonesia

Excellent Job Opportunities in Indonesia April 24, 2014: Ric Cannada -- Indonesia Education Opportunities – Pelita Harapan Educational Foundation

WRF Member Mike Milton Describes Why Palm Sunday Is "A Dangerous Day"

Palm Sunday Is a Dangerous Day, by WRF Member, Dr. Michael Milton This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Is There a "Christian Awakening" in Israel? WRF members David Zadok, Munther Isaac, and Matthew Ebenezer Respond

The Wall Street Journal recently published an article entitled, “Israel’s Christian Awakening: A Controversial New Movement Wants to Cooperate More Closely With the Jewish State.”  That article is available online and we encourage WRF members to read it carefully.  

WEF Member Denomination, The Presbyterian Church in America, To Consider Statement on Child Protection

WEF Member Denomination, The Presbyterian Church in America, To Consider Statement on Child Protection February 27, 2014 Sam Logan

WRF International Director Sam Logan Describes a Meeting Dealing with the Sexual Abuse of Children in Religious Environments

February 28, 2014 Sam Logan: Colleagues in the World Reformed Fellowship, Earlier this week, I attended a series of meetings in New York City which were focused on the sexual abuse of children in religious contexts.

WRF Members Keith and Kristyn Getty Announce a Tour Stop in the Philadelphia Area

February 1, 2014 Sam Logan: Calvary Presbyterian Church in Willow Grove, Calvary Baptist in Lansdale, and the Salvation Army Kroc Center are proud to announce... Keith & Kristyn Getty - Hymns for the Christian Life Tour

International Conference on Gender-Based Violence and Sexual Abuse - Potchefstroom, South Africa

The WRF seeks to mobilize the global church in support of the work of organizations and agencies seeking to eliminate gender-based violence and sexual abuse in Christian environments. This effort was highlighted at an international conference held in Potchefstroom, South Africa in 2013. Here is more on that conference, as well as the videos of the talks:

Important Conferences in Uganda

December 4, 2013 Robert Mabonga: Information submitted by WRF member, Pastor Robert Mabonga

WRF Member Phil Monroe Recommends "In Our Lives First: Meditations for Counselors," by WRF Board Member Dr. Diane Langberg

 "In Our Lives First: Meditations for Counselors," by WRF Board Member Dr. Diane Langberg (December 16, 2013). The news item below was submitted by Dr. Phil Monroe who may be contacted at the following address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Report on the 2013 Meeting of the WRF Board of Directors

The link above will take you to a summary of the primary actions taken by the Board of Directors at our meeting in Potchefstroom, South Africa, from October 21 through October 24, 2013.

Sam Logan Shares Information About a Discussion to be Held at Moody Bible Institute

November 26, 2013 Sam Logan: Colleagues in the WRF: I have learned about the event describe below and would urge that you pray that the Lord will bless it.