December 6, 2015, Dr. Craig Higgins: Fleming Rutledge, The Crucifixion: Understanding the Death of Jesus Christ (Grand Rapids, MI, and Cambridge, UK: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company), 2015. Pp. xviii + 669. $45.00
December 6, 2015, Dr. Tim J. R. Trumper: Seventh Reformed Church, Grand Rapids, Michigan (, is pleased to announce a contract with Pan American Broadcasting to air weekly on Voice of Europe (1368 kHz, 846 kHz, and 567 kHz) as from December 6, 2015.
Information About the Global Generosity Network November 29, 2015, by Flip Buys: Global Generosity Network -- Inspiring Biblical stewardship, generous living and Kingdom focused giving
The Personal Testimony, "Becoming Reformed," of the First Native American Member of the World Reformed Fellowship November 29, 2015, by John Norwood and Flip Buys
November 13, 2015, Sam Logan: Attached to this item and accessible by the links listed below are recent reports of denominational members of the WRF. We urge ALL of our members to familiarize themselves with what is happening in evangelical Reformed churches around the world.
November 8, 2015, by Gordon Woolard: Dear colleagues in the World Reformed Fellowship family, we have become aware of an urgent need within one of our member denominations. Perhaps you can help them.
The Rome Scholars Network -- An Announcement By WRF Member Leonardo De Chirico This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This information has been provided by WRF Board member, Dr. Ric Cannada [ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ]: Senior Pastor Search, Karawaci Presbyterian Church, Lippo Karawaci, Indonesia
Pornography and Injustice: The Social Impact of Sexual Sin, by Nicholas Black, Education & Resources Director, WRF Organizational Member Harvest USAThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The booklet which is attached above was written by WRF member Gordon Woolard and it is offered here as a resource for WRF members around the world. As with other materials like this which we post on our website, the specific views presented in this material are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the official position of the WRF.
September 22, 2015 -- John McClean: The attached document is a copy of the resource paper produced by the Gospel, Society, and Culture Committee of Presbyterian Church in Australia in New South Wales. It has been provided to the WRF by Dr. John McClean, who is a member of the WRF Board of Directors and Vice Principal of Christ College in Sydney, Australia
Official Statement of The National Presbyterian Church of Mexico Regarding Same-Sex Marriage (Spanish) August 14, 2015 Amador López Hernandez
See below the material for all the details about this excellent event which is being sponsored by WRF organizational member The Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary.
July 27, 2015, Dr. P. J. Buys: African Region of World Reformed Fellowship Conference in Kampala on August 22 – 23, 2015
July 1, 2015, Flip Buys: International Conference on A Covenantal Vision for Global Missions in the Reformed Tradition
WRF Board Member Dr. Fegus Macdonald Requests Prayer for Edinburgh Festival Outreach July 26, 2015, Fergus Macdonald:
Below are most of the videos from the Fourth WRF General Assembly, held in Sao Paulo, Brazil, from March 23 through March 27, 2015.
June 12, 2015 Andrew McGowan: The information below has been provided by WRF Board member, Dr. Andrew McGowan. Contact information is listed at the end of the document.
May 11, 2015, Thomas Johnson -- Appropriating the Reformation: Czech Heidelberger 2015
The Presbyterian Theological College of Victoria, Australia, announces a search for a Lecturer in New Testament Studies.
Joint Lutheran and Roman Catholic Statement on the Doctrine of Justificatiion by Faith Alone. April 27, 2015 Sam Logan
Letter from New WRF International Director, Dr. P. J. (Flip) Buys, April 12, 2015: Greetings from Flip Buys, the new International Director of World Reformed Fellowship
Fraternidade Reformada Mundial reúne-se em São Paulo (Alderi Souza de Matos): Nos dias 23 a 27 de março de 2015, realizou-se no hotel Holiday Inn Parque Anhembi a 4ª Assembleia Geral da Fraternidade Reformada Mundial (World Reformed Fellowship).
WRF International Director Dr. P. J. Buys Presents "A Biblical and Reformed Perspective on Demonology" April 22, 2015 Dr. P. J. Buys