SOLAS is a superb magazine which the WRF is delighted to recommend to all of its members. It attempts to bring solidly biblical Christianity to bear on a wide variety of current social and cultural issues.
The following news item has been provided by the Presbyterian Church in Uganda (PCU), a denominational member of the World Reformed Fellowship.
What is Being Done by WRF members to Reach Muslims with the Gospel of Jesus Christ? This is a critically important question and we share here the answer to this question from one WRF congregational member – Seventh Reformed Church in Grand Rapids.
New Album from WRF Members Keith & Kristyn Getty Encourages Global Missions: "Facing a Task Unfinished" is the latest album from pre-eminent modern hymn writers, Keith and Kristyn Getty (known for “In Christ Alone”).
Prayer Request from WRF Member, The Sudanese Reformed Churches July 12, 2016, Dr. P. J. Buys: The following prayer request was sent to the WRF on July 9, 2016.
Please, let’s all be in prayer for our brothers and sisters in South Sudan.
Report from WRF Denominational Member, the Presbyterian Church of Bangladesh July 12, 2016 Edward Ayub
Dearest in Christ: Greetings to you in the wonderful name of Our Lord Jesus Christ. I want to draw your kind attention to the history of the United Presbyterian Church of Pakistan. Presbyterian mission in the area was started in 1854 by the United Presbyterian Church of North America.
The Southeast Asia Network for the Gospel (SENG) is a network of Reformed believers (and those open to Reformed teaching) who want to see an increasing number of Christians, pastors, and missionaries in Southeast Asia grounded in a Reformed worldview, able to apply the Scriptures faithfully to life and ministry in their local context.
WRF Member Leo Douma Writes on "Christ’s Under-Shepherds: An Exploration of Pastoral Care Methods by Elders" July 13, 2016, by Sam Logan -- A New Book by WRF Member Leo Douma
The 185th Synod of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America voted on June 29, 2016, to elect Rev. Barry York as the next President of the Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary, to be installed in 2018, Lord willing.
The Annual Report of The Sudanese Reformed Churches June 15, 2016, by Patrick Wic. Attached above this article is a copy of the 2015 Annual Report of the Sudanese Reformed Churches, a denominational member of the WRF
WRF Member Dr. Thomas Johnson Writes to the WRF re His Recent Speech at the Vatican June 29, 2016 Sam Logan
Call for Articles on the Relevance of the Reformation This is a special call for articles on the theme of The Relevance of the Reformation for Today for the 2017 Haddington House Journal in celebration of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, 1517-2017.
WRF Member Dr. J. R. Norwood Preaches on "The Grand Departure" of Jesus May 3, 2016 Dr. J. R. Norwood
Dr. Michael Goheen has a robust Reformed Theology and represents the best of the rediscovery of biblical Calvinism. In 4 lectures he gave at Reformed Theological Seminary’s Orlando Campus, he presents a very rich and very neglected and often very maligned understanding of Calvinism.
Jim Gamble is an outstanding leader in the world of those seeking to protect vulnerable individuals from sexual predators. Jim spoke on this subject at the WRF conference in Potshefstroom, South Africa, in 2013, and at WRF General Assembly in Sao Paulo, Brazil in 2015. Videos of both of those presentations are available on this website.
In Memory of Dr. Rick Perrin April 18, 2016, BY Sam Logan
So what exactly is the World Reformed Fellowship? Perhaps even more important, WHY IS THERE a World Reformed Fellowship?
WRF individual member (and former Board member) Dr. Diane Langberg recently gave a series of four lectures on the general theme of “Culture, Christendom, and Christ.” These lectures were delivered at WRF organizational member Reformed Theological Seminary (Orlando). Below are the titles and descriptions of the lectures and a link to the YouTube videos of all four.
WRF Member Dr. Jan van Doleweerd completed his Ph.D. at the Free University of Amsterdam, writing his dissertation on this topic of great importance to the other members of the World Reformed Fellowship.
February 13, 2016, Dr. David Harvey: The message below was submitted by WRF member Dr. David Harvey, who lives and ministers in Tallahassee, Florida.
OMF International, In Association With Getty Music And Thousands Of Churches Across the World, Join On February 21st For Global Hymn Sing of "Facing a Task Unfinished”
Great News for Those Who Love the Writings of Jonathan Edwards - Shared by WRF Member Professor Adriaan Neele January 29, 2016 Sam Logan
Anglican Primates Issue Formal Statement About How, For At Least the Next Three Years, the Anglican Communion Will Handle Marriage Issues January 14, 2016, by Samuel Logan
The International Reformed Evangelical Seminary Announces a Global Conference on “THE FUTURE OF REFORMED THEOLOGY: ITS IMPACT AND CHALLENGES IN CONTEMPORARY SOCIETIES.”