News Items

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WRF Member Dr. David Harvey Publishes "Am I Called? The Summons to Pastoral Ministry"

September 2, 2013 Sam Logan: Attached to this article is an excerpt of a new book by WRF member, Dr. David Harvey. 

Dave has been a long-time supporter of the World Reformed Fellowship and this book, Am I Called? The Summons to Pastoral Ministry, published by Crossway Books, is a superb examination of the whole question of one’s calling to ministry, whether at the beginning of a ministry or after many years in ministry.  The WRF commends this book to its members.  The book may be ordered either directly from Crossway [ ] or from such retail outlets as  

Following is some biographical information about Dave.

Dave served in pastoral ministry at Covenant Fellowship Church (Glen Mills, PA) since 1986, was ordained in 1988, and served as senior pastor from 1990 to 2008. He also served Sovereign Grace Ministries for many years as Director of Church Planting, Church Care and International Expansion. Dave has recently accepted the position of pastor of preaching at Four Oaks Community Church in Tallahassee, an Evangelical Free church also pursuing partnership in the Sojourn Church Planting Network. Dave continues to serve on the board of the Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation since 2006.

Dave received a Master of Arts in Missiology from Westminster Theological Seminary in 1989, worked toward a Master of Divinity from Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary from 1993 to 1995, and in 2001 became a graduate in Westminster’s D.Min. program. The subject of his doctoral thesis was the identification and equipping of church planters.

Before Am I Called?, Dave published Rescuing Ambition (Crossway, 2010), winner of a 2010 Golden Cannon Award. He has contributed a chapter to Worldliness: Resisting the Seduction of a Fallen World (Crossway, 2008) and is the author of When Sinners Say “I Do”: Discovering the Power of the Gospel for Marriage (Shepherd, 2007). Dave also wrote a chapter for Why Small Groups?, a book from Sovereign Grace’s Pursuit of Godliness series. He continues to work on other writing projects.

Dave lives in Tallahassee, Florida, with his wife, Kimm. They have four children.

Now – be sure to read the attached excerpt and the buy the book!

Sam LoganThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

