The Reformed Presbyterian Church of Uganda Announces Community Development Project
July 21, 2013 Sam Logan: The project description below was submitted by WRF member, Rev. Robert Mabonga, who may be contacted at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. PROJECT DISCRIPTION FOR REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (Uganda)
1.0 The reformed Presbyterian church of Africa was formed way back in 2007 with pastors and elders after completing their theological education from Westminster theological collage mbale campus. 2.0 The church operates in three countries Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. In Uganda we have ten churches with two presbyteries that is mbale and busoba presbytery while in Kenya and Tanzania there is one presbytery in each country, 1.0 ORGANISATION DESCRIPTION Farmers’ Livelihood Development Project (FLDP) is a community based organization located Bunghokho Bubirabi parish, Natondome village, Mbale town, Uganda. It was founded by women and men of reformed Presbyterian church of Africa in Uganda. The mandate of this project is to improve on the livelihood of farmers in communities by building their capacity in proper management of the agricultural enterprises which include bananas, coffee, rice, maize, dairy, beans and fish farming. 1.1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Mbale and Sironko districts in Eastern Uganda are located on the slopes of Mt Elgon hence are within the Elgon Zone. The area is endowed with good soils and good climatic conditions suitable for Premium Agricultural production with dairy farming as one of their agricultural enterprises. This enterprise is good for income generation and food security. This project however seeks to improve the livelihood of farmers by ensuring household food security and improved income levels through building the capacity of farmers in dairy farming. Therefore the purpose of this proposal is to seek for funding from potential partner/s so that we can effectively and efficiently execute our mandate to improve on the food security and income levels of farmers households for better standards of living in families and communities of Mbale and Sironko districts. FLDP now seeks to execute its mandate for 1 year in Mbale and Sironko districts among the rural poor farmers. This project for this period will build capacity of farmers in Dairy production by supporting 25 groups of farmers interested in dairy farming with one (1) in-calf heifer. Each group will have five (5) members who will have an agreement which mandates passing over of a weaned female calf to another member in the group to ensure that every member gets a heifer for dairy production. This will promote ownership of the project by farmer groups and will help improve on income generation and food security in the area. The project will cost UGX 75,000,000 (30,000 USD) and the church and farmers will contribute c UGX 25,000,000/= (10,000 USD), and the organization now seeks UGX 50,000,000/=(20,000 USD) to effectively implement this project. 2.0 MAIN OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT The overall objective of the proposed project to build capacity of farmers in rural communities of Mbale and Sironko districts to effectively and efficiently manage their dairy enterprises to increase productivity and production for improved food security and income levels of households in order to eliminate hunger from communities.