News Items

NOTE: The content below expresses the views of the individual named as the author and does not necessarily reflect the position of the WRF as a whole.

Harvest USA Announces 30th Anniversary Luncheon Celebration

August 24, 2013 John Freeman: The news item below was submitted by WRF member John Freeman who may be contacted at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  John serves as the President of Harvest USA.

Harvest USA, a Reformed ministry which proclaims Christ as Lord to a sexually broken world and which seeks to equip God's church to better minister to the sexually broken in the church, invites you to their 30th Anniversary Luncheon Celebration on Saturday October 5, noon - 3pm (to be held in a northern suburb of Philadelphia PA).

Eric Metaxas, NY TImes best-selling author of Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy and, now, the voice of "BreakPoint" is the keynote speaker. Steve Brown, host of Key Life Network, and author/speaker will be the MC for the event. Visit the website ( for banquet info and tickets.