Blog Articles

NOTE: The content below expresses the views of the individual named as the author and does not necessarily reflect the position of the WRF as a whole.
Learning to Love the Persecuted Church (RP)

Learning to Love the Persecuted Church (RP)

This essay is a revised version of a sermon preached in several churches in the US and Europe. It calls us to consider the recent, extreme levels of discrimination, persecution, or even martyrdom currently faced by Christians in almost every continent in the light of three passages from the New Testament: Romans 13:1–7; Revelation 13:1–10; and John 13:34–35. Because it may be helpful for the reader to review these biblical texts before reading the sermon, they are printed below.

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Thomas Johnson on "Learning to Love the Persecuted Church"

Thomas Johnson on "Learning to Love the Persecuted Church"

Dr. Thomas Johnson is an individual member of the World Reformed Fellowship and he was recently appointed Religious Freedom Ambassador to the Vatican, representing the World Evangelical Alliance and its 600 million members.His paper on "Learning to Love the Persecuted Church" is posted as a pdf right below.

The WRF highly commends this material to its members.

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WRF Board Chairman Discusses "The Present and Coming Christian Holocaust"

WRF Board Chairman Discusses "The Present and Coming Christian Holocaust"

April 24 marked the one hundred year anniversary of the Armenian holocaust.  As World War I began, the Ottoman Empire based in Turkey was collapsing.  The Armenians were an ancient country in eastern Turkey that had been Christian since the beginning of our era.  Some of them may have been the original readers of the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Galatians in the late 40s AD.

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WRF Board Chairman Rick Perrin Discusses "Memories Pizza and the Residue of Easter"

WRF Board Chairman Rick Perrin Discusses "Memories Pizza and the Residue of Easter"

A few days before Easter a reporter from TV 57 in South Bend, Indiana, walked into Memories Pizza in Walkerton, stuck a microphone and a camera in the face of the owner, Crystal O’Connor, and asked her opinion about Indiana’s new Religious Freedom Restoration Act.  The RFRA is supposed to shield religious minorities from being coerced to violate their consciences by doing something they believe is wrong to do.

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WRF Board Chairman Rick Perrin Discusses "Houston's Assault on Religious Liberty"

WRF Board Chairman Rick Perrin Discusses "Houston's Assault on Religious Liberty"

It’s not the first time and it won’t be the last.  But here in America it takes one’s breath away.  Here’s the story:

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