Blog Articles

NOTE: The content below expresses the views of the individual named as the author and does not necessarily reflect the position of the WRF as a whole.
Concerning Corroboration of Accusations of Sexual Misconduct in Christian Environments

Concerning Corroboration of Accusations of Sexual Misconduct in Christian Environments

The Challenge: The World Reformed Fellowship (WRF) has been working to provide assistance to its members with respect to the prevention of sexual misconduct in Christian churches and organizations and the handling of accusations of such misconduct.  You may see the progress we have made here Suggestions Regarding Interpersonal Relationships in Christian Churches and Organizations | World Reformed Fellowship.

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Suggestions Regarding Interpersonal Relationships in Christian Churches and Organizations | World Reformed Fellowship

Suggestions Regarding Interpersonal Relationships in Christian Churches and Organizations | World Reformed Fellowship

SUGGESTIONS REGARDING INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS IN CHRISTIAN CHURCHES AND ORGANIZATIONS by WRF Members Dr. Diane Langberg and Dr. Samuel LoganThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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WRF Member Basyle Tchividjian Discusses "Christians and the Struggle to Report Child Sexual Abuse"

WRF Member Basyle Tchividjian Discusses "Christians and the Struggle to Report Child Sexual Abuse"

I recently came across a legal alert from a Christian organization that directs pastors who learn of suspected child abuse to first conduct their own internal investigation “to decide whether the situation requires reporting to the authorities.”  Yikes!

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The Carnage of Child Sex Abuse

The Carnage of Child Sex Abuse

I recently returned from South Africa.  We saw giraffes with their impossibly long necks.  And a herd of elephants rolling in the mud (to get clean?).  A black rhino blocked our path, larger than two SUVs.  Barb held and petted a baby lion.  And we watched transfixed as three whales swam round and round our boat as it bobbed in the Indian Ocean. 

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WRF Member Phil Monroe Lists Three Signs of Repentance Every Church Leader Should Learn

WRF Member Phil Monroe Lists Three Signs of Repentance Every Church Leader Should Learn

As a psychologist and seminary professor, I frequently entertain questions about the timeline for forgiveness and reconciliation in situations of domestic or familial sexual abuse. Most frequently, church leaders want to know when it is appropriate to encourage a victim of abuse to allow an offender back into the home or life.

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Diane Langberg Presents A Missional Response to Global Violence Against Women

Diane Langberg Presents A Missional Response to Global Violence Against Women

The material immediately below is taken from the volume, REFORMED MEANS MISSIONAL: FOLLOWING JESUS INTO THE WORLD. This volume was compiled by the WRF and will be published by New Growth Press in mid-August, 2013. New Growth's website is here -

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A Public Statement Concerning Sexual Abuse in the Church of Jesus Christ

A Public Statement Concerning Sexual Abuse in the Church of Jesus Christ

Recent allegations of sexual abuse and cover-up within a well known international ministry and subsequent public statements by several evangelical leaders have angered and distressed many, both inside and outside of the Church.

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Sexual Abuse Within the Faith Community

Sexual Abuse Within the Faith Community

The material immediately below is taken from the volume, REFORMED MEANS MISSIONAL: FOLLOWING JESUS INTO THE WORLD. This volume was compiled by the WRF and will be published by New Growth Press in mid-August, 2013. New Growth's website is here -

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Suffer the Children: Developing Effective Church Policies on Child Maltreatment by Victor Veith

Suffer the Children: Developing Effective Church Policies on Child Maltreatment by Victor Veith

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The article was submitted by WRF member Dr. Basyle Tchividjian who may be contacted at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

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The Challenge of Global Sex Trafficking

The Challenge of Global Sex Trafficking

Many centuries ago – twenty to be exact – baby girls were considered a liability. Demographics in the first century in certain parts of the world were stunningly imbalanced male to female. Female infanticide was not uncommon. Infant girls often considered the equivalent of deformed, were killed by exposure. In essence, it was permitted by law to leave them outside the city on the dung heap to die. That is about as clear a judgment of “worthless” on a human life as can be made.

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