Fortifying the Lord’s Shepherds
If the qualifications for the office of elder essentially cluster around his knowledge, character, skill, and heart, we will focus in this material on the last: the disposition of the shepherd’s heart. Mike Sharrett is a Teaching Elder in The Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) and an individual member of the WRF. He has developed a program for workshops to be used by Churches in the training of Elders. Mike has graciously offered the program guide for the use of members of the WRF.
These workshops 1) are predicated on the fact that we all need to grow relentlessly in our battle for humility and against pride, and 2) are designed to inspire and foster robust commitment to the Biblical grace of humble, other-centered servanthood, for the spiritual health of individual Ruling and Teaching Elders, Sessions and their flock.
The Workshop program is posted below. You may also download the original PDF file by using the link in the beginning of this article.