Executive Leadership
(Past and Present)

Dr. Davi Charles Gomes was installed as International Director of WRF in October 2017, at the Wittenberg meeting of the Board. Before transitioning full-time into his role at WRF in the beginning of 2020, he was Chancellor of Mackenzie Presbyterian University, a 50k student educational institution, present in 6 locations of Brazil, and one of the foremost private universities in this country.
Davi Gomes also presided the Andrew Jumper Presbyterian Graduate School of Theology (CPAJ) of the Presbyterian Church of Brazil from 2004 through 2013 and still teaches some modules in their graduate programs. He holds degrees from the University of Massachusetts at Boston (B.A.), The Theological Seminary of the Reformed Episcopal Church (Dip.Th. and M.Div.), Westminster Theological Seminary (Ph.D.) and courses at the Philadelphia Lutheran Theological Seminary and the University of Geneva.
Dr. Gomes was ordained and spent the first ten years of his ministry in the PCA, serving in the Boston area, where he was also the Operations Manager and later a member of the Board of Directors of the Emmanuel Gospel Center, as well as a founding board member of the Boston Christian Economic Coalition. He is also the president of the Commission on Inter-Ecclesiastical Relations of the Presbyterian Church of Brazil (CRIE-IPB) and a representative of the Presbyterian Church of Brazil at WRF, as well as an individual member of WRF. Dr. Gomes has participated on the Edwards Project Committee, served as Co-Chairman of the Theological Education Commission, has represented WRF at the International Council for Evangelical Theological Education (ICETE) and has been on the Executive Committee of the WRF since 2010.
He has pastored and planted churches in the USA (Boston and Philadelphia) and in Brazil, and is presently the senior minister of the Igreja Presbiteriana Paulistana, a church in downtown Sao Paulo that was planted under his Leadership. He has published several books, articles and contributions to books in English as well as Portuguese. Besides having taught at institutions in the USA (Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and Reformed Theological Seminary) and Brazil, Dr. Gomes has also lectured in countries throughout Latin America, Africa, Asia, Oceania and Europe. He lives in Mogi das Cruzes, Brazil, with his wife, Adriana Heringer Gomes and their twin adult sons.

Karen is a graduate of Carnegie-Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, with a degree in sociology. She served as Director of a United Way agency in Charlottesville, Virginia, and later started and was the Director of the Moody Church Early Childhood Center in Chicago, Illinois. In recent years Karen led a church-wide women’s Bible study at Calvary Memorial Church in Racine, and has written materials for that purpose. She has served on various other non-profit boards involving the arts and education.
Karen grew up in a small town just north of Pittsburgh. She and her husband, Peter, have traveled widely, including frequently to Moscow. They have two children and seven grandchildren.

Dr. Paul R. Gilchrist currently is the Executive Secretary Emeritus of the Board of Directors of the World Reformed Fellowship. After two pastorates in Pennsylvania, he served in the administration and as Professor of Biblical Studies at Covenant College, as adjunct Professor at several seminaries. He served as Stated Clerk of the Reformed Presbyterian Church Evangelical Synod for eleven years and then served for ten years as full-time Stated Clerk of the General Assembly of the PCA. He served as Chaplain at the Institute of Holy Land Studies in Jerusalem, Israel, and was one of the founders of World Reformed Fellowship (formerly World Fellowship of Reformed Churches). Before finally in 2018 retiring from teaching, Dr. Gilchrist served as Professor of OT with Metro Atlanta Seminary and Juan Knox Virtual Seminary. Dr. Gilchrist has published numerous articles and has given lectures in countries throughout Latin America, Africa, Asia and Oceania. He lives with his wife of 65 years in the greater Atlanta area.

Dr. P. J. (Flip) Buys became the International Director of the World Reformed Fellowship on March 27, 2015 and served until October 2017.
He was born in South Africa in 1947 and he holds the degrees B.A., Th.B., Th.M., and Ph.D. The doctoral dissertation he completed in 1989 was entitled “The Relationship Between Evangelism and Church Nurturing: A New Testament Exegetical Study.”
As an ordained minister in the Reformed Churches in South Africa he is an experienced, pastor, cross cultural missionary, church planter and initiator of community development projects in the midst of the challenges of poverty and HIV AIDS victims, orphans. He is also an adjunct professor of Missiology at Northwest University in Potchefstroom.
He was the founder of Mukhanyo Theological College, Masibambisane Community Development Corporation and Mukhanyo Christian Academy (a Christian private school focusing on quality education for orphans and vulnerable children).
Dr. Buys has published numerous academic and popular books, pamphlets, and articles about holistic Christian ministry and church growth in Africa. He was also a founding member and served on the International Steering Committee of TOPIC (Training of Pastors International Coalition).
He is married with two children and one grandchild.

Dr. Samuel T. Logan served as the International Director of the World Reformed Fellowship from July 1, 2005, to March 27, 2015, and has served as Associate International Director since that latter date. He was born in Vicksburg, Mississippi, in 1943. He attended Princeton University (B.A., 1965), Westminster Theological Seminary (M.Div., 1968), and Emory University (Ph.D., 1972). He taught at Barrington College in Rhode Island from 1970 to 1979 and worked at Westminster Theological Seminary (Philadelphia) from 1979 to 2007. During his years at Westminster, Dr. Logan served in numerous capacities, including Vice President for Academic Affairs (1986 - 1991), President (1991 - 2005), and Chancellor (2005 - 2007). He currently holds from Westminster the titles of President Emeritus and Professor of Church History Emeritus. He was a Visiting Fellow at Christ’s College, Cambridge, in 1988 – 1989, and he served as Special Counsel to the President at Biblical Theological Seminary in Hatfield, Pennsylvania, from 2007 to 2013.
Dr. Logan has worked extensively with the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools and with the Association of Theological Schools, serving the latter organization on its Executive Committee, as Chair of its Research Grants Selection Panel, and as Chair of its Nominating Committee. He has Chaired accreditation teams for both Middle States and ATS. He is a minister of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, presbytery of New York and New England.
Dr. Logan’s publications include The Preacher and Preaching (editor and contributor), Sermons That Shaped America (co-editor and contributor), and numerous articles on Jonathan Edwards. Dr. Logan edited the papers of the 2006 General Assembly of the World Reformed Fellowship and these were published in August of 2007 under the title Confronting Kingdom Challenges: A Call to Global Christians to Carry the Burden Together. He also edited the papers of the 2010 WRF General Assembly in Edinburgh, Scotland, and these were published in August of 2013 under the title Reformed Means Missional: Following Jesus Into the World. This last volume may be purchased directly through the WRF website.
Dr. Logan and his wife Susan live in Glenside, Pennsylvania, and have two sons and two grandsons.
Board Chairmen
(Past and Present)

Dr. K. Eric Perrin was one of the founding fathers of the WRF. He pastored churches in Pittsburgh, PA, Baltimore, MD, Columbia, SC, and Cherry Hill, NJ. He also served on various committees of the Presbyterian Church in America, including the Interchurch Relations Committee which he served as chairman and was used of God to establish the WRF in the early 1990s.
He served with distinction the WRF as chairman of the Executive Committee and Board since its inception and continued in those roles until his death on April 13, 2016. His quiet demeanor and gentle diplomacy gave WRF the steady leadership through the years of rapid growth.
Rick was not just the long-serving Board chair of the WRF; he was the consummate board chair. He had the extraordinary ability to run meetings that were both kind-spirited and efficient. Differing opinions felt heard and given due consideration. Rick could summarize a discussion and, with a smile and a touch of humor, bring matters to a vote. Any discord melted away! The WRF had his full attention and support. He, with his wife Barbara, shepherded the Board and International Director with prayer, attentiveness, and love-filled tokens of appreciation. Rick and Barbara together tenderly nurtured this global ministry to maturity.
The entire membership of the World Reformed Fellowship thanks the Lord for the life and ministry of Dr. K. Erik (Rick) Perrin.

Dr. Solano Portela is a former Director of Education of Mackenzie Presbyterian University, one of the largest private schools in Brazil, with an overall enrollment of 45,000 students, formerly he had been appointed (2008-2013) Chief Financial Officer of this Institution. Currently he is a Professor of Systematic Theology of JMC Presbyterian Seminary (São Paulo) and has recently be appointed to a chair at the Andrew Jumper Theological Post-Graduate Center, for the area of Christian School Education, where he will coordinate a double-degree program with Gordon College (Boston, MA). He is an ordained elder of the Presbyterian Church of Brazil.
Mr. Portela holds degrees from Shelton College (B.A.), from Biblical Theological Seminary (M.Div.), and was awarded a Doctorate in Human Letters from Gordon College (2019). Solano Portela is a frequent speaker at theological and educational conferences throughout Brazil and abroad. He has also lectured in professional venues, in the field of business and finances. He is presently the secretary of the Commission on Inter-Ecclesiastical Relations of the Presbyterian Church of Brazil (CRIE-IPB).
Solano Portela serves on the main Board of the Association of Christian Schools – International (ACSI), of Colorado Springs, CO, USA. He has authored several books in the areas of church growth, theological issues and Christian school education and is a contributor to the theological journal Fides Reformata. His latest book (Fiel, 2012) is a critique of current educational philosophies and a proposal for a theologically sound Christian School Pedagogy: “O que estão ensinando aos nossos filhos” (What are they teaching our children?). He lives in São Paulo, Brazil, with his wife Elizabeth (Betty) Zekveld Portela and is the father of four children, all married and serving the Lord in different parts of the world.
Mr. Portela has been Vice Chairman (2015-2016), and then Chairman of the WRF Board of Directors (2016).

Dr. Robert Norris stepped down as Senior Pastor of Fourth Presbyterian Church, Bethesda, Maryland, where he served from 1984 until 2015. Following a year long sabbatical he has returned to Fourth Church as the Teaching Pastor. His new role involves teaching at the church, at Reformed Theological Seminary D.C and an expanded international teaching ministry and allows more time to devote to the World Reformed Fellowship where he serves as the Chairman of the Board.
He and his wife Caren have 5 children – two daughters and three sons.
Born in Ebbw Vale, South Wales, United Kingdom, Dr. Norris began to preach in small churches in Wales as a teenager. He holds degrees from Kings College, (BA) London, and St. Andrews, Scotland (M.Th., Ph.D). Ordained jointly by the Presbyterian Church of Wales and United Reformed Church of England and Wales, Dr. Norris served as Assistant Minister at The City Temple, London, Chaplain to the City of London University, and also as Chaplain to St. Bartholomew’s Hospital. While in London Dr. Norris served as the Theological Traveling Secretary of the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students and edited the journal, Themelios.
From 1981-84 he served as Executive Pastor of Program at the First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood, California. Dr. Norris has served as an adjunct professor at the Reformed Theological Seminary, teaching courses in Theology and Church History. He has traveled and taught history and doctrine in seminaries in Ukraine, Malta, Japan, and Sudan. He has served on the founding board of The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals.
Executive Committee
2022 to 2026

Dr. Robert Norris stepped down as Senior Pastor of Fourth Presbyterian Church, Bethesda, Maryland, where he served from 1984 until 2015. Following a year long sabbatical he has returned to Fourth Church as the Teaching Pastor. His new role involves teaching at the church, at Reformed Theological Seminary D.C and an expanded international teaching ministry and allows more time to devote to the World Reformed Fellowship where he serves as the Chairman of the Board.
He and his wife Caren have 5 children – two daughters and three sons.
Born in Ebbw Vale, South Wales, United Kingdom, Dr. Norris began to preach in small churches in Wales as a teenager. He holds degrees from Kings College, (BA) London, and St. Andrews, Scotland (M.Th., Ph.D). Ordained jointly by the Presbyterian Church of Wales and United Reformed Church of England and Wales, Dr. Norris served as Assistant Minister at The City Temple, London, Chaplain to the City of London University, and also as Chaplain to St. Bartholomew’s Hospital. While in London Dr. Norris served as the Theological Traveling Secretary of the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students and edited the journal, Themelios.
From 1981-84 he served as Executive Pastor of Program at the First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood, California. Dr. Norris has served as an adjunct professor at the Reformed Theological Seminary, teaching courses in Theology and Church History. He has traveled and taught history and doctrine in seminaries in Ukraine, Malta, Japan, and Sudan. He has served on the founding board of The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals.

Professor McGowan is Vice Chairman of the World Reformed Fellowship and chairs the WRF Theological Commission. He is President of the Scottish Evangelical Theology Society
He is a graduate of Aberdeen University (BD and PhD) and the Union Theological Seminary in New York (STM).
Previous Honorary Appointments:
Honorary Professor of Reformed Doctrine, University of Aberdeen (2006-2015).
Adjunct Professor at Reformed Theological Seminary, USA (1996-2008).
Visiting Professor of Theology, Westminster Theological Seminary, USA (2002-2008).
Professor McGowan has published: The Federal Theology of Thomas Boston (Carlisle: Paternoster, 1997); Always Reforming: Explorations in Systematic Theology, Editor, (Leicester: IVP, 2006); The Divine Spiration of Scripture: Challenging Evangelical Perspectives (Nottingham: Apollos, 2007); The Person and Work of Christ: Understanding Jesus (Milton Keynes: Paternoster, 2012); and Adam, Christ and Covenant (London: Apollos, 2016).
He has written numerous chapters for symposia and festschriften and contributed articles to the following dictionaries and encyclopaedias: New Dictionary of Theology (Leicester: IVP, 1988); Encyclopedia of the Reformed Faith (Louisville: Westminster/John Knox Press, 1992); Dictionary of Scottish Church History and Theology (Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 1993); The New Lion Handbook to the Bible (Oxford: Lion Publishing, 1999); The Dictionary of Historical Theology (Carlisle: Paternoster, 2000); The new Dictionary of National Biography (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004); Dizionario di Teologia Evangelica (Marchirolo, Varese: Edizioni Uomini Nuovi, 2007); New Dictionary of Theology: Historical and Systematic (London: IVP, 2016).
Andrew is married to June and they have three sons and two grandsons.

Dr. Todd Smedley is the Senior Pastor of Fourth Presbyterian Church in Bethesda, Maryland, a suburb of Washington, DC. Prior to assuming his role as Senior Pastor in 2015, he served Fourth as Senior Associate Pastor since 2001.
Todd is an Adjunct Professor of Christ Bible Seminary in Nagoya, Japan where he travels regularly to train Japanese Pastors. He has taught Systematic and Pastoral Theology in Japan, Egypt, and Romania. In 2009 he worked with African pastors and theologians through Mukhanyo Theological College, in South Africa to develop a pan-African theological curriculum, which is now being used in numerous theological schools throughout Africa.
An ordained minister in the Evangelical Presbyterian Church, Todd is active in his local Presbytery having served on its Ministerial and Nominating Committees.
Todd holds degrees from Dickinson College (B.A. Philosophy and English), Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (M.Div.), and The University of Aberdeen (Ph.D.).
He and his wife Jennifer live in Bethesda, Maryland and have three children.

Karen is a graduate of Carnegie-Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, with a degree in sociology. She served as Director of a United Way agency in Charlottesville, Virginia, and later started and was the Director of the Moody Church Early Childhood Center in Chicago, Illinois. In recent years Karen led a church-wide women’s Bible study at Calvary Memorial Church in Racine, and has written materials for that purpose. She has served on various other non-profit boards involving the arts and education.
Karen grew up in a small town just north of Pittsburgh. She and her husband, Peter, have traveled widely, including frequently to Moscow. They have two children and seven grandchildren.

In 1975, he became professor of Old Testament at the Free Reformed Seminary of Aix-en-Provence (now the Faculté Jean Calvin). He taught Old Testament and Apologetics there until August 2009 when he retired. He continued to teach Old Testament at the Seminary until 2012. Professor Berthoud was Doyen (Dean) of the Seminary for 19 years, from 1984 to 2001 and from 2007 to 2009. In 2012 he was appointed Président of the Board of the Seminary. Concerned by the various practical and cultural implications of the Christian faith, he has been actively involved in Scripture Union, A Rocha France (Ecology), the Conseil national des Evangéliques de France (CNEF), and continues to be engaged in the Parvis des Arts.
He is president of the Fellowship of European Evangelical Theologians (since 2008) and has written many articles on different themes related to the Old Testament and to Apologetics. His book, En quête des origines. Les premières étapes de l’histoire de la Révélation : Genèse 1 à 11, Cléon d’Andran: Excelsis/Aix-en-Provence: Kerygma, was published at the end of 2008.
Click here to watch the video of Professor Berthoud.

For over 10 years Ric led RTS as Chancellor with five residential campuses in Jackson, MS; Orlando, FL; Charlotte, NC; Washington, D.C.; and Atlanta, GA; and one degree-granting extension campuses in Boca Raton, FL; a degree-granting Virtual Campus (distance education) based in Charlotte, NC; and three international Doctor of Ministry degree programs in Korea, Scotland, and Brazil.
Known personally as Ric, Dr. Cannada is a native of Jackson, MS, and a graduate of Vanderbilt University where he received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Philosophy. He completed his post-graduate studies at RTS receiving the degrees of Master of Divinity and Doctor of Ministry.
Ric’s service to the Lord also includes twenty years of experience as a Presbyterian pastor in Clinton, SC; Little Rock, AR; and Macon, GA. In 1993, Dr. Cannada accepted the position of Senior Vice President to provide leadership for the development and establishment of the RTS—Charlotte campus in NC. He was named Executive Vice President of the RTS system of campuses in 1998 and President of the RTS system in 2002. He became RTS Chancellor and CEO in 2004 when the seminary restructured to establish presidents on each campus under Ric’s overall leadership. In 2012, Ric became Chancellor Emeritus and still serves RTS in a variety of ways.
Ric and his wife, Rachel, have two children and seven grandchildren.

Dr. John McClean is Vice Principal of Christ College in Sydney, Australia, and teaches in the areas of Christian Thought focussing on Systematic Theology and Ethics. Within this he also teaches Westminster Confession and the Church and Ministry unity. John was the Minister of Cowra Presbyterian Church (1995-2002), a visiting lecturer at PTC in 1994 and completed the Ministry Training Scheme at St Matthias Anglican Church (1988-1991). He is married to Elizabeth and they have two teenage children. John is a consumate theologian. He teaches systematics and ethics, and writes many articles on ethical issues. He is regularly off speaking at conferences. He has his “feet on the ground” in respect to congregational ministry, playing his part on a regular basis in the congregation to which he belongs.

Dr. Solano Portela is a former Director of Education of Mackenzie Presbyterian University, one of the largest private schools in Brazil, with an overall enrollment of 45,000 students, formerly he had been appointed (2008-2013) Chief Financial Officer of this Institution. Currently he is a Professor of Systematic Theology of JMC Presbyterian Seminary (São Paulo) and has recently be appointed to a chair at the Andrew Jumper Theological Post-Graduate Center, for the area of Christian School Education, where he will coordinate a double-degree program with Gordon College (Boston, MA). He is an ordained elder of the Presbyterian Church of Brazil.
Mr. Portela holds degrees from Shelton College (B.A.), from Biblical Theological Seminary (M.Div.), and was awarded a Doctorate in Human Letters from Gordon College (2019). Solano Portela is a frequent speaker at theological and educational conferences throughout Brazil and abroad. He has also lectured in professional venues, in the field of business and finances. He is presently the secretary of the Commission on Inter-Ecclesiastical Relations of the Presbyterian Church of Brazil (CRIE-IPB).
Solano Portela serves on the main Board of the Association of Christian Schools – International (ACSI), of Colorado Springs, CO, USA. He has authored several books in the areas of church growth, theological issues and Christian school education and is a contributor to the theological journal Fides Reformata. His latest book (Fiel, 2012) is a critique of current educational philosophies and a proposal for a theologically sound Christian School Pedagogy: “O que estão ensinando aos nossos filhos” (What are they teaching our children?). He lives in São Paulo, Brazil, with his wife Elizabeth (Betty) Zekveld Portela and is the father of four children, all married and serving the Lord in different parts of the world.
Mr. Portela has been Vice Chairman (2015-2016), and then Chairman of the WRF Board of Directors (2016).

Rev. Hiralal Solanki is an ordained minister of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of India (RPCI). He holds a Bachelor of Arts (Philosophy) and Master of Arts (Philosophy) from Meerut University, and a Bachelor of Divinity (BD) from the Presbyterian Theological Seminary (PTS), Dehra Dun. Currently enrolled for PhD in Christian studies at Sam Higginbottom University at Allahabad, Rev. Solanki is a convert (1984) from a strict Hindu family. Since coming to faith in Christ he has received training at PTS and involved himself as a pastor of Faith Bible Presbyterian Church, New Delhi, and in the wider Christian community in New Delhi.
His gifts of organization have been recognized while being part of the committee hosting the All India Congress on Church in Missions (AICOCIM) organized by Evangelical Fellowship of India (EFI) in 2000 and other such conferences.
Presently, he is Academic Dean at the Global Leadership Institute / Caleb Institute, New Delhi. He serves at various Boards, both local (Presbyterian Theological Seminary, MSS (Masihi Sahitya Sanstha – a Christian publishing house, and the regional Board of the Bible Society of India) and international (Member of the theological committee and member of the Asia Pacific Committee of the ICRC – International Conference of Reformed Churches).
He is a gifted teacher and has taught in various parts of North India and overseas on several occasions. He has travelled widely to countries such as The Netherlands, the USA, New Zealand, Australia, Brazil, etc.
Rev. Solanki is married to Laxmi Solanki, They have two children Arpita (daughter) and Abhishikt (son). The Solanki family lives in New Delhi, India.

Dr. Jack Whytock was raised in Bruce County, Ontario on a beef farm. He graduated in arts from Renison University College, University of Waterloo, and went to seminary at Regent College, Vancouver, before pursuing postgraduate studies at the University of Glasgow (M.Th.) and the University of Wales (Ph.D.)
Ordained in 1988, Jack has served in chaplaincy work, church planting and the pastorate in Presbyterian churches in Canada and the United States. For almost a decade he was the team leader for the Mobile Theological Training Team and a visiting professor at various Christian colleges and universities in South America, Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Asia and Africa.
In terms of broader church service, he was a congress team member at Lausanne III, Cape Town, South Africa; served as Chairman of NAPARC; was a delegate to the World Reformed Fellowship in Johannesburg, South Africa in 2006; Edinburgh, Scotland, 2010; and Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2015.
Jack presently serves as Acting Principal at Dumisani Theological Institute in King William’s Town, South Africa and is extraordinary professor in the unit for Reformed Theology at North-West University, Faculty of Theology, Potchefstroom, South Africa. He also serves as the director and editor of an international journal for the work of the Haddington House Trust, Prince Edward Island, Canada . He has authored three books and numerous articles and is active in several societies. Jack is married to Nancy and they have four grown children.
Board of Directors
2019 to 2023

Professor McGowan is Vice Chairman of the World Reformed Fellowship and chairs the WRF Theological Commission. He is President of the Scottish Evangelical Theology Society
He is a graduate of Aberdeen University (BD and PhD) and the Union Theological Seminary in New York (STM).
Previous Honorary Appointments:
Honorary Professor of Reformed Doctrine, University of Aberdeen (2006-2015).
Adjunct Professor at Reformed Theological Seminary, USA (1996-2008).
Visiting Professor of Theology, Westminster Theological Seminary, USA (2002-2008).
Professor McGowan has published: The Federal Theology of Thomas Boston (Carlisle: Paternoster, 1997); Always Reforming: Explorations in Systematic Theology, Editor, (Leicester: IVP, 2006); The Divine Spiration of Scripture: Challenging Evangelical Perspectives (Nottingham: Apollos, 2007); The Person and Work of Christ: Understanding Jesus (Milton Keynes: Paternoster, 2012); and Adam, Christ and Covenant (London: Apollos, 2016).
He has written numerous chapters for symposia and festschriften and contributed articles to the following dictionaries and encyclopaedias: New Dictionary of Theology (Leicester: IVP, 1988); Encyclopedia of the Reformed Faith (Louisville: Westminster/John Knox Press, 1992); Dictionary of Scottish Church History and Theology (Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 1993); The New Lion Handbook to the Bible (Oxford: Lion Publishing, 1999); The Dictionary of Historical Theology (Carlisle: Paternoster, 2000); The new Dictionary of National Biography (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004); Dizionario di Teologia Evangelica (Marchirolo, Varese: Edizioni Uomini Nuovi, 2007); New Dictionary of Theology: Historical and Systematic (London: IVP, 2016).
Andrew is married to June and they have three sons and two grandsons.

Antonio Cabrera is President of the Cabrera Group, a three-generation family agribusiness group operating in 10 Brazilian states.
He holds a B.S. in Veterinarian. He also holds a post graduation in animal production.
At the age of 29, he became the youngest Brazilian State Minister, assuming the position of Minister of Agriculture and Land Reform.
Secretary of Agriculture and Supply of the State of São Paulo.
Member of the National Society of Agriculture – chair # 25 and National
Honorary Consul of Spain
Business Leader of Balanço Anual Magazine and Gazeta Mercantil newspaper.
Degree of Grand Officer of:
-Brazilian Air Force
-Brazilian Army
-Ministry of Foreign Affairs
-Armed Forces
-Labor Court
Volunteer Work
Member of Board of Trustees of the Mackenzie Presbyterian Institute.
Director of the Brazilian Bible Society, the world’s largest Bible producer and exporter at present.
Founding Member of the Brazilian Association of Christians in Science.
National Chaplain of International Gideons
Member of Mont Pelerin Society
Member of The Philadelphia Society
President of Mackenzie Economic Freedom Center.
Professor of Sunday School of Central Presbyterian Church of S.J. Rio Preto
He is married with Angela and has 4 children: Barbara, Antonio, Vitoria e Giovana.

Rev. Cameron Shaffer is the pastor of Langhorne Presbyterian Church in Langhorne, Pennsylvania, where he lives with his wife and children. Cameron received his M.Div. from Redeemer Seminary, as well as a M.Th. from the University of Glasgow. He is an ordained minister in the Evangelical Presbyterian Church and can be found online at cameronshaffer.com.

Dr. Intan has given lectures regarding religious freedom in Indonesia at Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding, Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University, Washington DC, and at Westminster Theological Seminary (WTS), Philadelphia, USA. He is the first Presidential Visiting Scholar at WTS for summer 2014 and summer 2015.
He has written numerous articles for journal, book chapters and magazine, and also opinion articles in various Indonesian newspapers like Kompas, Jakarta Post, Seputar Indonesia, Suara Pembaruan, and Sinar Harapan. His book, “Public Religion” and the Pancasila-Based State of Indonesia: An Ethical and Sociological Analysis, which was originally a doctoral dissertation, was published by Peter Lang, New York in 2006 (www.amazon.com). His article on “Religious Violence in Indonesia: The Role of State and Civil Society” was published on International Journal for Religious Freedom Vol. 5, No. 2 (2012): 63-77. His article on “Personal Ethics” was published on ESV Global Study Bible (2011): 1906-1908.
Dr. Intan holds a B.Sc. (Electrical Engineering) from Petra Christian University, Indonesia, an M.A. (Theological Studies) from Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson, USA, an M.A.R. (Social Ethics) from the Divinity School of Yale University, New Haven, USA, and a Ph.D. (Social Ethics) from Boston College, Chestnut Hill, USA.
Click here to watch the video of Dr. Intan.

Dr. Weaver is the Lead Pastor of Memorial Park, an Evangelical Presbyterian Church in the North Hills of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Memorial Park is a dynamic, missional congregation of 1,500 members that has a long history of effective local ministry and global mission. Memorial Park has three opportunities of worship each weekend, including both contemporary and traditional services. Memorial Park is a congregation that “Lives out the never-changing Word of God, to serve the ever-changing world.” Visit mpcepc.org for additional information.
Dr. Weaver currently also serves as Interim Dean of the Chapel at Grove City College, Grove City PA and is the Chairman of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church’s National Leadership Team. Weaver was the Moderator of the EPC’s 37th General Assembly (2017) and is currently the C0-Chair’ the EPC’s “Revelation 7:9 Task Force”. He has previously served as the Moderator of the EPC’s Presbytery of the Alleghenies. Dr. Weaver was one of the founders and former Co-Moderator of the New Wineskins Association of Churches and served as the Co-Chair of the New Wineskins/EPC Joint Commission.
Dr. Weaver is also one of the founders and former President of EduNations, a 501©3 not-for-profit organization that builds and operates schools in Sierra Leone, Africa. To date, EduNations has built and operates 15 schools, educating over 3,000 children in one of the poorest countries in the world. He has also been instrumental in the founding of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Sierra Leone (EPC-SL), which now has six congregations and 18 preaching stations in the rural, northern, Muslim majority region of the country. Visit EduNations.org to learn more this important work.
Dr. Weaver is a 1986 graduate of Grove City College (Bachelor of Arts, History and Religion); Pittsburgh Theological Seminary (Masters of Divinity); and Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (Masters of Theology, Preaching and a Doctor of Ministry, Preaching).

Dr. Fergus Macdonald is a retired minister and former Moderator of the Free Church of Scotland. He served as the General Secretary of the National Bible Society of Scotland and then of the United Bible Societies.
A Fellow of the Spencer Center for Global Engagement at Taylor University in Indiana, he serves as chair of the Scottish Evangelical Theology Society, and as Chair Emeritus of the Forum of Bible Agencies International. From 1994-98, he was the Executive Chair of the Lausanne Movement and continues as one of the Honorary Chairmen. He is a regular contributer to Scripture Union Bible reading notes and is the author of “Word Evangelism,” “Yours Very Sincerely,” and “The Challenge of Nominality” in They Call Themselves Christian, and various journal articles.
Click here to watch the video of Dr. MacDonald.

Rev. Dr. Henk Stoker is currently Apologetics and Ethics professor at the Faculty of Theology of North-West University as well as at the Theological Seminary of the Reformed Churches in South Africa in Potchefstroom. He holds the following earned degrees: BA (1980), BA Honours - Philosophy (1981) and Psychology (1985), MA - Philosophy (1982) ThB - Theology (1986), PhD - Apologetics (1993). He served on the Executive Committee of the Faculty of Theology as director of Masters & PhD programs.
Dr. Stoker was ordained and spent the first 24 years of his ministry in the Reformed Churches in South Africa in the Witpoortjie, Pretoria-Sunnyside, Rietvallei and Frankfort congregations. He also served on the Council of the North-West University, the Board of Trustees of the Theological Seminary of the Reformed Churches in South Africa, on the Board of Mukhanyo Theological College, and on the Council of the Association for Christian Higher Education. He also served on the following committees of the General Synod of the Reformed Churches in South Africa: Executive of the Board of Curators of the Theological School Potchefstroom; Church Revitalization; Christian Education; Ecumenicity, Communication with the Government, Evangelization media , Editorial Committee of the RCSA Denominational Magazines, Committee for assisting churches with equipment of elders and evangelism, Youth ministry committee for organizing national youth camps.
His involvement with WRF: The WRF consultation in Orlando on Christian ministry in Muslim context; the Consultation of WRF, Lausanne Movement and WEA on Theological Education; as well as the Fourth General Assembly of the WRF in Sao Paulo. He published two books on Ethics and one on Apologetics, and also wrote endorsements for the WRF book Reformed Means Missional: Following Jesus into the World.

Rev. Hiralal Solanki is an ordained minister of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of India (RPCI). He holds a Bachelor of Arts (Philosophy) and Master of Arts (Philosophy) from Meerut University, and a Bachelor of Divinity (BD) from the Presbyterian Theological Seminary (PTS), Dehra Dun. Currently enrolled for PhD in Christian studies at Sam Higginbottom University at Allahabad, Rev. Solanki is a convert (1984) from a strict Hindu family. Since coming to faith in Christ he has received training at PTS and involved himself as a pastor of Faith Bible Presbyterian Church, New Delhi, and in the wider Christian community in New Delhi.
His gifts of organization have been recognized while being part of the committee hosting the All India Congress on Church in Missions (AICOCIM) organized by Evangelical Fellowship of India (EFI) in 2000 and other such conferences.
Presently, he is Pastoral Coordinator of the Indian Reformed Fellowship, President of the Initiators Trust, Secretary of the Reformed Presbyterian Fellowship South Asia, and former Academic Dean at the Global Leadership Institute / Caleb Institute, New Delhi (India).
He is a gifted teacher and has taught in various parts of North India and overseas on several occasions. He has travelled widely to countries such as The Netherlands, the USA, New Zealand, Australia, Brazil, etc.
Rev. Solanki is married to Laxmi Solanki, They have two children Arpita (daughter) and Abhishikt (son). The Solanki family lives in New Delhi, India.

Dr. Jack Whytock was raised in Bruce County, Ontario on a beef farm. He graduated in arts from Renison University College, University of Waterloo, and went to seminary at Regent College, Vancouver, before pursuing postgraduate studies at the University of Glasgow (M.Th.) and the University of Wales (Ph.D.)
Ordained in 1988, Jack has served in chaplaincy work, church planting and the pastorate in Presbyterian churches in Canada and the United States. For almost a decade he was the team leader for the Mobile Theological Training Team and a visiting professor at various Christian colleges and universities in South America, Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Asia and Africa.
In terms of broader church service, he was a congress team member at Lausanne III, Cape Town, South Africa; served as Chairman of NAPARC; was a delegate to the World Reformed Fellowship in Johannesburg, South Africa in 2006; Edinburgh, Scotland, 2010; and Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2015.
Jack presently serves as Acting Principal at Dumisani Theological Institute in King William’s Town, South Africa and is extraordinary professor in the unit for Reformed Theology at North-West University, Faculty of Theology, Potchefstroom, South Africa. He also serves as the director and editor of an international journal for the work of the Haddington House Trust, Prince Edward Island, Canada . He has authored three books and numerous articles and is active in several societies. Jack is married to Nancy and they have four grown children.

Dr. John McClean is Vice Principal of Christ College in Sydney, Australia, and teaches in the areas of Christian Thought focussing on Systematic Theology and Ethics. Within this he also teaches Westminster Confession and the Church and Ministry unity. John was the Minister of Cowra Presbyterian Church (1995-2002), a visiting lecturer at PTC in 1994 and completed the Ministry Training Scheme at St Matthias Anglican Church (1988-1991). He is married to Elizabeth and they have two teenage children. John is a consumate theologian. He teaches systematics and ethics, and writes many articles on ethical issues. He is regularly off speaking at conferences. He has his “feet on the ground” in respect to congregational ministry, playing his part on a regular basis in the congregation to which he belongs.

Rev Dr John P Wilson is a minister of the Presbyterian Church of Australia with 40 years experience. He has served churches at Numurkah, Reservoir, Kangaroo Ground and taught practical theology and church history at the Presbyterian Theological College (Victoria). He is now Clerk of Assembly for the state church (PCV) and formerly was Moderator of the national church (PCA). He also often visits partner Presbyterian churches in Zambia, Malawi and northern India. He has authored several denominational training booklets and courses for church membership, eldership, diaconal service and church history survey.

Dr. Lim majored in theology at Daeshin University and Chongshin University and Seminary and received master's and doctoral degrees in church history from Chongshin University. He studied the history of the Reformation, especially Jean Calvin. His doctoral thesis is Dissertation: Reflections on Calvin's Activities and Theology according to the Company of Pastors in Geneva (1536-1564)
He is the Vice Chair, Inter-Reformed Church Relationship and Cooperation Committee of the PCK (Hapdong) and is the secretary of the Theological Committee. He is also a member of the Council for Church Renewal.

Karen is a graduate of Carnegie-Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, with a degree in sociology. She served as Director of a United Way agency in Charlottesville, Virginia, and later started and was the Director of the Moody Church Early Childhood Center in Chicago, Illinois. In recent years Karen led a church-wide women’s Bible study at Calvary Memorial Church in Racine, and has written materials for that purpose. She has served on various other non-profit boards involving the arts and education.
Karen grew up in a small town just north of Pittsburgh. She and her husband, Peter, have traveled widely, including frequently to Moscow. They have two children and seven grandchildren.

He pastored in New York City after graduation. He began teaching at CGST from 2001. From 2003 to 2006, he went to Edinburgh for doctoral studies and wrote a dissertation on the theological aesthetics of Jonathan Edwards. His interest includes historical theology, with special interest in spiritual theology and the interaction between theology and philosophy. He also teaches courses relating faith to contemporary culture. He was ordained by the First Baptist Church of Flushing, New York.
He is a board member of the The Society for Truth and Light in Hong Kong, a Christian organization engaging in public advocacy of moral issues. He is also a voluntary pastor of City One Baptist Church of Hong Kong.
Click here to watch the video of Dr. Louie.

Mr. J. J. V. (Koos) Richards was born on the 15th March 1943 in Groblersdal, South Africa. He grew up on a farm, did his B.Sc.(Agriculture) at the University of Pretoria and later his B.Sc (Agriculture) Hons. at the University of The Orange Free State in Bloemfontein. He was involved in agriculture in several positions since he left the university.
His passion was the agricultural development scene and he was involved in agricultural development in Namibia and several projects in South Africa. After his retirement at the end of 2007, he founded an agricultural development organisation, Group Africa Agric (Pty) Ltd, which is involved in agricultural development in countries in Sub Sahara Africa doing agricultural development and project management. Koos believes that people development forms an integral part of agricultural development. Through agricultural development, doors are opening to bring the gospel to the people in the communities involved in the agricultural projects. On all these projects, community development centres, including churches, will be established as part of the projects.
For the last 24 years, Koos served as an elder in the Reformed Church in Pretoria, South Africa. Koos is married to Magda, has 4 children and 6 grandchildren.

Matthew began teaching at Presbyterian Theological Seminary (PTS), Dehra Dun, India in 1982. Between 2004 and 2014 he was engaged in other ministry opportunities that included serving as Country Director for Mission to the World (MTW) in his native Sri Lanka, overseeing Tsunami rehabilitation; Director for Theological Education for MTW’s church planting work in India, and Adjunct Professor of Church History and Practical Theology at the New Theological College, Dehra Dun. He is now Interim Principal of PTS (from August 2014). In addition to his administrative duties, Matthew teaches Church History and Practical Theology at PTS.
Matthew is the author of What the Apostles Believed: A Devotional Commentary (2007). He has contributed to The Oxford Encyclopaedia of South Asian Christianity (2011), and the ESV Global Bible Study Bible (2012). Matthew’s primary interest is in theological education in majority world contexts. He has taught in theological institutions in India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, and Indonesia. Matthew holds a Ph. D. in Historical Theology (1998) from Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia.
Matthew’s wife Anna has an academic background in the philosophy of Christian Education and taught for several years at PTS. She founded an innovative Christian social enterprise for women (2000) with a vision to reach women in need. The work involves counselling, discipling, life-skill building, and helping women re-discover their self-worth and dignity.
The Ebenezers have two married children and one grandchild.
Click here to watch the video of Dr. Ebenezer.

Dr. Meister has written Law & Grace and has contributed to other books as well as to numerous theological journals and magazines. He is a member of the Christian Education and Publications Committee for the Presbyterian Church of Brazil.

In 1975, he became professor of Old Testament at the Free Reformed Seminary of Aix-en-Provence (now the Faculté Jean Calvin). He taught Old Testament and Apologetics there until August 2009 when he retired. He continued to teach Old Testament at the Seminary until 2012. Professor Berthoud was Doyen (Dean) of the Seminary for 19 years, from 1984 to 2001 and from 2007 to 2009. In 2012 he was appointed Président of the Board of the Seminary. Concerned by the various practical and cultural implications of the Christian faith, he has been actively involved in Scripture Union, A Rocha France (Ecology), the Conseil national des Evangéliques de France (CNEF), and continues to be engaged in the Parvis des Arts.
He is president of the Fellowship of European Evangelical Theologians (since 2008) and has written many articles on different themes related to the Old Testament and to Apologetics. His book, En quête des origines. Les premières étapes de l’histoire de la Révélation : Genèse 1 à 11, Cléon d’Andran: Excelsis/Aix-en-Provence: Kerygma, was published at the end of 2008.
Click here to watch the video of Professor Berthoud.

For over 10 years Ric led RTS as Chancellor with five residential campuses in Jackson, MS; Orlando, FL; Charlotte, NC; Washington, D.C.; and Atlanta, GA; and one degree-granting extension campuses in Boca Raton, FL; a degree-granting Virtual Campus (distance education) based in Charlotte, NC; and three international Doctor of Ministry degree programs in Korea, Scotland, and Brazil.
Known personally as Ric, Dr. Cannada is a native of Jackson, MS, and a graduate of Vanderbilt University where he received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Philosophy. He completed his post-graduate studies at RTS receiving the degrees of Master of Divinity and Doctor of Ministry.
Ric’s service to the Lord also includes twenty years of experience as a Presbyterian pastor in Clinton, SC; Little Rock, AR; and Macon, GA. In 1993, Dr. Cannada accepted the position of Senior Vice President to provide leadership for the development and establishment of the RTS—Charlotte campus in NC. He was named Executive Vice President of the RTS system of campuses in 1998 and President of the RTS system in 2002. He became RTS Chancellor and CEO in 2004 when the seminary restructured to establish presidents on each campus under Ric’s overall leadership. In 2012, Ric became Chancellor Emeritus and still serves RTS in a variety of ways.
Ric and his wife, Rachel, have two children and seven grandchildren.

The Rev. Dr. Hobyane is professor in theology at the Theological School of Reformed Churches in South Africa and Faculty of Theology of NWU – Potchefstroom Campus.
He has an immense love for theology as well as the Greek language. His academic credentials speak volumes. In 2006, he completed his Masters Degree in practical theology. The following year saw him being appointed as a lecturer in Greek in the faculty of theology of the NWU (Potchefstroom Campus). “In the same year I was also ordained as a minister of the Word in the Reformed Church Promosa of the GKSA,” he explains.
It also was in 2007 that he enrolled for a BA Hons in Greek. “In 2009, after an extensive examination, I was awarded masters status in Greek,” he recalls. “I immediately enrolled for a PhD in Greek.”
In all these years, Dr Hobyane had been participating in national congresses of the LXXSA (Study of Septuagint in SA) where he was also delivering papers. He subsequently published few national articles.
In 2012, he achieved his D Litt in Greek. His thesis, A Greimassian Analysis of the book of Judith, was accepted unanimously by all appointed examiners, with only minor changes. At the age of 34 then, Dr Hobyane was (and still remains) the youngest and only the second black South African scholar to achieve a D Litt in Greek.
While serving as a pastor and lecturer at the NWU, Dr Hobyane served in the committee of deputies of ecumenical relations within the Reformed Churches in South Africa and abroad, travelling to countries like the USA, Canada and East Africa. He believes that any young person, by the grace of God Almighty, is capable of achieving beyond what he has done. Loko misava yi ku hoxetela hi maribye, tshika ku rila, kambe u teka maribye yalawo u aka swin’wana swa nkoka e vuton’wini byan wena hi wona (When life throws you with stones, stop crying about it; rather take them up and build something valuable out of them),” he advises.
He is married to Rendani Hobyane and has been blessed with two children, Vunene and Muhluleri.

Dr. Robert Norris stepped down Senior Pastor of Fourth Presbyterian Church, Bethesda, Maryland where he served from 1984 until 2015. Following a year long sabbatical he has returned to Fourth Church as the Teaching Pastor. His new role involves teaching at the church, at Reformed Theological Seminary D.C and an expanded international teaching ministry and allows more time to devote to the World Reformed Fellowship where he serves as the Chairman of the Board.
He and his wife Caren have 5 children – two daughters and three sons.
Born in Ebbw Vale, South Wales, United Kingdom, Dr. Norris began to preach in small churches in Wales as a teenager. He holds degrees from Kings College, (BA) London, and St. Andrews, Scotland (M.Th., Ph.D). Ordained jointly by the Presbyterian Church of Wales and United Reformed Church of England and Wales, Dr. Norris served as Assistant Minister at The City Temple, London, Chaplain to the City of London University, and also as Chaplain to St. Bartholomew’s Hospital. While in London Dr. Norris served as the Theological Traveling Secretary of the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students and edited the journal, Themelios.
From 1981-84 he served as Executive Pastor of Program at the First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood, California. Dr. Norris has served as an adjunct professor at the Reformed Theological Seminary, teaching courses in Theology and Church History. He has traveled and taught history and doctrine in seminaries in Ukraine, Malta, Japan, and Sudan. He has served on the founding board of The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals.

Dr. Ron Scates is the former Senior Pastor of Highland Park Presbyterian Church (ECO) in Dallas, Texas (for 13 years) and is now Interim Senior Pastor of First Presbyterian Church (PCUSA) in San Antonio, Texas.
Dr. Scates grew up in Bethesda, Maryland. He attended Trinity University in San Antonio on a baseball scholarship and later accepted a position as an assistant baseball coach while attending graduate school. His pursuit of a career in veterinary medicine was permanently interrupted when he responded to the Lord’s call to the ministry.
Ron’s first pastorate was as Associate Pastor for Youth Ministry at San Antonio’s First Presbyterian Church. In 1989, Ron and Anne accepted a call to Central Presbyterian Church in Baltimore. During Ron’s tenure there, Central’s worship attendance tripled and the church completed a major building program. In 2000, Ron accepted a call to Highland Park Presbyterian Church in Dallas, Texas, as its Senior Pastor completing his tenure in December 2013.
Ron and Anne have been blessed with five children: Katie (29) Andrew (24) twins Michael and Emily (21), and Anna who passed away as a young child several decades ago. The Scates family enjoys sporting events, music recitals and concerts, and traveling together to their favorite places, which include the beach and Civil War sites (Dad’s favorite). Ron is also an avid weight trainer.
In addition to his position on the WRF Board of Directors, Ron holds or has held positions on the boards of The Presbyterian Healthcare System, and The Dallas Council for Life, US Lausanne Committee, American Tract Society, and the Presbyterian Children Homes and Services. He has also filled leadership roles with Youth for Christ of Metro Maryland, The Spiritual Advisory Board of the Greater Baltimore Medical Center, the Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas Board of Governors, Evangelicals for Renewal, and the Advisory boards of the Dallas Council for Life and Presbyterians Pro-Life. He also serves as Advisor to the U. S. Lausanne Committee.
Click here to watch the video of Dr. Scates.

In 2001, Sichan Siv was unanimously confirmed by the Senate and appointed by President George W. Bush as an ambassador to the United Nations, serving until 2006. In June 2005, Ambassador Siv represented the United States at the 60th anniversary of the U.N., in the footsteps of Presidents Truman in 1945, Eisenhower in 1955, Johnson in 1965, and Clinton in 1995.
From 1989 to 1993, Ambassador Siv served at The White House as Deputy Assistant to President George H.W. Bush and at the State Department as Deputy Assistant Secretary.
He has held various positions in the private sector. The international bestselling author of the American dream story Golden Bones: An Extraordinary Journey from Hell in Cambodia to a New Life in America, he has also authored the
political thriller Golden State: Love and Conflict in Hostile Lands.
Ambassador Siv holds a Master of International Affairs from Columbia University. He also attended the Army War College, FBI Citizens Academy, and Air War College. He escaped Cambodia’s killing fields in 1976 and resettled as a refugee in Connecticut with his mother’s scarf, an empty rice bag, and two dollars. He is the recipient of numerous awards and honors, including the George H.W. Bush Award for Outstanding Public Service, DAR Americanism Medal, U.S. Army Commander’s Award, Anne Frank Lifetime Achievement Award, and Brazilian Academy of Art, Culture, and History Honors.
Speaking several languages, Ambassador Siv has visited more than 130 countries. He is a deacon at First Presbyterian Church San Antonio, chartered on Easter 1846. He has been on numerous missions, more recently to Israel, Jordan, Mexico, Lebanon, Iraq, Guatemala, Turkey, Indonesia, Germany, France, Paraguay, Argentina, and Costa Rica.
Ambassador Siv currently serves on the Texas Board of Criminal Justice after nomination by Texas Governor Greg Abbott and unanimous confirmation by the Texas Senate.

Dr. Solano Portela is a former Director of Education of Mackenzie Presbyterian University, one of the largest private schools in Brazil, with an overall enrollment of 45,000 students, formerly he had been appointed (2008-2013) Chief Financial Officer of this Institution. Currently he is a Professor of Systematic Theology of JMC Presbyterian Seminary (São Paulo) and has recently be appointed to a chair at the Andrew Jumper Theological Post-Graduate Center, for the area of Christian School Education, where he will coordinate a double-degree program with Gordon College (Boston, MA). He is an ordained elder of the Presbyterian Church of Brazil.
Mr. Portela holds degrees from Shelton College (B.A.), from Biblical Theological Seminary (M.Div.), and was awarded a Doctorate in Human Letters from Gordon College (2019). Solano Portela is a frequent speaker at theological and educational conferences throughout Brazil and abroad. He has also lectured in professional venues, in the field of business and finances. He is presently the secretary of the Commission on Inter-Ecclesiastical Relations of the Presbyterian Church of Brazil (CRIE-IPB).
Solano Portela serves on the main Board of the Association of Christian Schools – International (ACSI), of Colorado Springs, CO, USA. He has authored several books in the areas of church growth, theological issues and Christian school education and is a contributor to the theological journal Fides Reformata. His latest book (Fiel, 2012) is a critique of current educational philosophies and a proposal for a theologically sound Christian School Pedagogy: “O que estão ensinando aos nossos filhos” (What are they teaching our children?). He lives in São Paulo, Brazil, with his wife Elizabeth (Betty) Zekveld Portela and is the father of four children, all married and serving the Lord in different parts of the world.
Mr. Portela has been Vice Chairman (2015-2016), and then Chairman of the WRF Board of Directors (2016).

Dr. Sueng Hee Lee is a senior pastor of BANYAWOL Presbyterian Church in Korea. The Church is over 120 years of history and 7,000 members attending.
He served as the Chairman of the General Asembly Presbyterian Church in Korea (Hapdong/2017), the Chairman of The United Christian Churches of Korea.(2018)
He received a special award from the Martin Luther King Foundation and a medal from the King of Cambodia.
He lives in Korea with his wife, two daughters and a son.

Dr. Todd Smedley is the Senior Pastor of Fourth Presbyterian Church in Bethesda, Maryland, a suburb of Washington, DC. Prior to assuming his role as Senior Pastor in 2015, he served Fourth as Senior Associate Pastor since 2001.
Todd is an Adjunct Professor of Christ Bible Seminary in Nagoya, Japan where he travels regularly to train Japanese Pastors. He has taught Systematic and Pastoral Theology in Japan, Egypt, and Romania. In 2009 he worked with African pastors and theologians through Mukhanyo Theological College, in South Africa to develop a pan-African theological curriculum, which is now being used in numerous theological schools throughout Africa.
An ordained minister in the Evangelical Presbyterian Church, Todd is active in his local Presbytery having served on its Ministerial and Nominating Committees.
Todd holds degrees from Dickinson College (B.A. Philosophy and English), Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (M.Div.), and The University of Aberdeen (Ph.D.).
He and his wife Jennifer live in Bethesda, Maryland and have three children.

He and his wife, Dinah, live in São Paulo, Brazil.